Place-Based Collaboration

Place-based collaboration tackles complex problems through a systems change approach.

Type of Problem: Place-based collaboration works on complex problems with no clear or simple solutions at the community, city, county, or regional scale.

Systems Change is about shifting the conditions that produce and hold societal problems in place. (Kania, John; Kramer, Mark; Senge, Peter. The Water of Systems Change. June 2018. FSG.) and shape how we live. To address complex problems, we need to pull the most critical systems change levers together in the same direction: shifting power through a shared vision, networks of people and organizations, policies, and resource flows; transforming land use with policies and infrastructure investments; resetting culture by changing mindsets and daily life practices; and leveraging other systems to break down silos and changes multiple systems simultaneously. (© Matt Biggar, Ph.D., 2022, revised 2023)

Seven Essential Conditions

Community Authority

Center community leaders and members in the collaborative process and decision-making.

Trusting, Valued Relationships

Prioritize the cultivation of relationships built on trust and value.

Shared Vision

Establish a ‘big tent’ vision that brings diverse stakeholders and perspectives to the cause and inspires them to stay committed with a network mindset.

Systems Change Strategies

Develop and execute strategies that shift power, transform land use, reset culture, and leverage other systems; seek early and long-term wins

Alignment with Coordination

Frequently discuss, assess, and improve alignment across stakeholders and with other collaboratives and initiatives; enable aligned action through coordination.

Shared Accountability

Determine and regularly use metrics that assess progress with strategies and overall impact; seek feedback on processes and the health of relationships.

Joint Governance with Backbone Support

Employ structure for participation and decision-making with clearly defined roles; provide backbone staff with time to facilitate, coordinate, and monitor the collaboration.

© Matt Biggar, Ph.D., Connected to Place (2019; revised 2022 and 2023)

At Connected to Place, we support the design, implementation, and evaluation of place-based collaboration; and provide presentations, webinars, and workshops (see #5-7).