Presentations Archive
Partnership Strategies
School District Partnerships for Environmental Literacy (May 2019)
Collective Impact and Building an Initiative at Save Lives Unite Oklahoma Event (April 2018)
Building a Local Cross-Sector Collaborative at Collective Impact Convening (April 2018)
SF Children & Nature at California Outdoor Engagement Coalition Meeting (Feb 2018)
Collaborative Solutions for Social Change at Presidio Graduate School (Dec 2016)
Collective Impact and ChangeScale at Stanford University (Feb 2016)
Collective Impact and ChangeScale at NAAEE Conference (Oct 2015)
Collective Impact Research Study at NOAA:ChangeScale Meeting (Feb 2015)
Behavioral Science
Community Context, Human Needs and Transportation Choices at BECC (Oct 2017)
Community Listening Sessions (workshop) at SPUR's Transit + Design Conference (June 2017)
Facilitating Behavior Change for Climate Impact at BayCLIC (Jan 2017)
Facilitating Behavior Change for Climate Impact (June 2016 Net Impact Webinar Recording)
Social Influence, Past Experience and Transportation Mode Choice at BECC (Oct 2015)
Exploring the Influence of Conditions on Personal Transportation Behavior at BECC (Nov 2013)